The word Agora (pronounced 'Ah-go-RAH') is Greek for 'open place of assembly.' It is a marketplace where merchants had their shops and where craftsmen made and sold their wares. In the early history of Greece, it was designated as an area where citizens could gather to hear civic announcements, muster for military campaigns or discuss politics.
Agora was created to allow merchants, craftsman, professionals, and entrepreneurs to share and discuss their ideas, products and services which are focused on helping our readers improve their lives.
Our goal is to create the best free knowledge base directory for service providers, creators, authors and publishers. We offer an easy way to publish your work and attract readers. We love original well written interesting content that engages our readers. Published work needs to be unique to our site and not used or distributed elsewhere for the first twelve months of being written.
We like to think of the Agora Knowledge Journal Network as a place on the internet where you can find some of the most passionate experts in many difference industries from around the world.
Each article submitted by our authors are reviewed and checked for quality.